
" Religion is for people that are afraid of going to hell..............

...............Spirituality is for those that have been there "

At the time of this writing I am 41 years old, with an insatiable desire to bring the images and feelings locked within my mind to the world. If the eye is the window to the soul then the Internet and all of its resources has the potential to become an extension of the human spirit.

Born in south central Ohio, my childhood was similar to those experienced by children whose parent was in the military service. Out of necessity my family moved to a suburb of Rochester, NY followed by a move to a suburb of Chicago, Illinois and finally back to our starting place in Ohio all within the space of 9 years. Thus, having been denied the formation of close friendships and regional attachments, my source of comfort and solace was to come from within myself as well as my imagination. Neither my parents nor my 3 older brothers would ever understand what transpires within the mind of that smallest boy. Suffice it to say here , my family are all good and wonderful people that I love and it is understood that necessity dictates the courses of our lives.

Within that framework it becomes understandable how creativity is fostered so that one can relate to and understand the world around themselves. Basing my education on arts and sciences was the next logical step for me. I received my higher education at the Ohio State University majoring in Art and minoring in Astronomy. Within a student body of 150,000 students, one can imagine how this proliferated my sense of singularity.

It was at this point , after leaving college , that I became lost. The details of what led me to find myself living in ten different cities, in six different states are not important here. Let me simply say I became lost , making a living in an industry that had an effect on that smallest boy that I can only refer to as SOUL MURDER .

I am not an intently religious man, but it can be said that I am a spiritual man. Religion is for people that are afraid of going to hell.....spirituality is for those that have been there. I think God gives people what they need and leads them where they must go to become who they were intended to be. And so it was here , in a small town in Long Island that I found myself....with a dream yet to be fulfilled.

I have awakened once more, after 20 years in the wilderness, with the courage and the skills to reach out to the world. I am blessed with a beautiful wife who is unbelievably supportive of my efforts. She is my friend and my partner. Yes, life could always be better, but it CERTAINLY could be much worse. My presence on the World Wide Web may ultimately mean little to the world, or, it may be my legacy. In either case, I will remain , displaying my art, while sharing a few thoughts............................... with the world. </font></b></p> <P ALIGN=Left><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-1"><SMALL><bgsound src="sun.mid" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 autostart=true loop=infinite>